No More Guilt: The Life-changing Message of Romans 8


Ruminating Romans Chapter 8, Part 2: The Gavel is at Rest

Picking up from where we left off, I want to dive further into the powerful truths in Romans Chapter 8. We’ve learned that our case is closed, and we stand acquitted before God. But why? What’s the underlying reason behind this acquittal?

The Just Acquittal

In human terms, we might imagine being acquitted on a whim or a judge’s good mood. But our Heavenly Father doesn’t operate like that. We were acquitted not because God felt sorry for us, but because Someone else stood up and said, “I will bear their death sentence.”

Jesus took our place, enduring the most unimaginable suffering – for YOU and me. The beatings, the hair yanked from His beard, the thorns driven into His head, the flesh ripped off His back. Jesus cried out in genuine agony, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” He was forsaken, JUST EXACTLY LIKE YOU AND ME before we were born again. The Savior bore the torment of Hell, all for us.

When the Judge was ready to drop the gavel with the verdict of “guilty,” Jesus reached out and pulled us behind Him. He bore our guilt, and the Father set us free.

The Freedom in Christ

Romans 8:4 – TPT brings this to light: “So now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!”

Breaking this down:

A. Freedom Through the Holy Spirit: We’re free to live by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit. It’s essential to understand how to hear God’s voice and distinguish between soul and spirit. This truth guides us to worship in spirit and truth.

B. The Flesh vs. Spirit Dilemma: Paul warns that those motivated by the flesh pursue selfish benefits, contrasting the Heavenly realm. This selfishness still plagues our lives, even after being born again. But the antidote? The Fruit of the Spirit.

C. Impulses of the Holy Spirit: Notice, Paul didn’t use words like “bombshells” or “explosions,” but “impulses.” Just like my little dog, Dexter, nudges for attention, the Holy Spirit gently nudges us. We must learn to recognize and act on these tiny nudges.

D. Mindset Controlled by the Spirit: If your life is marked by fear, worry, and stress, you’re not walking in the spirit. But if you let the Holy Spirit lead, you will find life and peace. This choice must be made daily.


I encourage you to read the entirety of Romans 8, as it reveals the profound love God has for you and offers insight into the abundant life for which Jesus sacrificed Himself on your behalf.

Our acquittal wasn’t a matter of luck or whim; it was a profound act of love and sacrifice by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are now free, not bound by our flesh but alive by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit. This freedom is our birthright as children of God, but it requires a conscious, daily choice.

Will we let Him be Lord, or will we choose to continue to do it our way? The answer to this question shapes our relationship with God and the life we lead.

Let’s get serious about our pursuit of spiritual realities and allow the mind-set controlled by the Spirit to bring us the life and peace that Jesus purchased with the highest price. The Kingdom of God is within reach, but only when we choose to walk in the Spirit, not according to our flesh.